Sunday, August 17, 2008

Partners in Prayer

I covet your prayers this week as I preach on the Shoshone/Arapaho Indian Reservation in Riverton, Wyoming. A couple of years ago, God deeply burdened my heart for the Native Americans. Thus, He has opened doors, through Evangelism Missions International (EMI), to plant Bible-believing Baptist churches on their reservations, as well as ministries of recovery and rehabiliation for their wide-spread alcohol and drug addictions.

The Native Americans are some, if not the most neglected and overlooked people of history. Many of them hold feelings of deep resentment toward the "white man," because of how they feel they have been treated by the United States government. Thus, one of the first things that must take place, in order to reach them, is a relationship of trust. They must believe that we, the "white man," have not come to take anything from them; but, we have come to bring Jesus to them.

Last year, I had the privilege of preaching to the Jicarilla Apache Indians in Dulce, New Mexico, and we watched God do an amazing work during that week. Near the end of the meeting, we watched the walls of distrust begin to come down, and God knit our hearts together with some of the sweetest people you would ever meet.

I have been informed, however, that the Shoshone and Arapaho are much different than many other Indians. They are very "suspicious" and "clannish," and are not immediately open to outsiders. Bro. Richard Morgan established a great Baptist church and has been working with the Shoshone/Arapaho for several years. This week will be their annual campmeeting, and I have been asked to come and break the "bread of Life" to them.

I will fly out early in the morning (Monday), so please pray that God will grant me travelling mercies. Also, please partner in prayer with me that the Holy Spirit will begin, right now, to cultivate the soil of their hearts so that the "incorruptible seed of the Word of God" will fall on fertile ground, and God may reap a bountiful harvest of souls.

I'm not sure if there will be any internet capabilities on the reservation, but, if so, I will try to post a blog later in the week to give an update on the meeting. If not, I will most definitely post one upon my return. Until then, I am praying that God will grant you His peace, protection, provision, and power as you stand before His people and bodly declare "the unsearchable riches of Christ."

Your Partner in Prayer,

Bro. Steve


Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

I praying for you Steve. May God give you souls for your labor! Bless you and have a safe trip!

Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

I echo the sentiments of Rev. Holcombe. Bring in the harvest!